Http 403错误原因及解决办法

来源:互联网转载和整理 2024-06-14 12:58:59




403 Forbidden
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.


IIS 7.0 defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of a 403 error:

403.1 - Execute access forbidden.
403.2 - Read access forbidden.
403.3 - Write access forbidden.
403.4 - SSL required.
403.5 - SSL 128 required.
403.6 - IP address rejected.
403.7 - Client certificate required.
403.8 - Site access denied.
403.9 - Forbidden: Too many clients are trying to connect to the Web server.
403.10 - Forbidden: Web server is configured to deny Execute access.
403.11 - Forbidden: Password has been changed.
403.12 - Mapper denied access.
403.13 - Client certificate revoked.
403.14 - Directory listing denied.
403.15 - Forbidden: Client access licenses have exceeded limits on the Web server.
403.16 - Client certificate is untrusted or invalid.
403.17 - Client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
403.18 - Cannot execute requested URL in the current application pool.
403.19 - Cannot execute CGI applications for the client in this application pool.
403.20 - Forbidden: Passport logon failed.
403.21 - Forbidden: Source access denied.
403.22 - Forbidden: Infinite depth is denied.
403.502 - Forbidden: Too many requests from the same client IP; Dynamic IP Restriction limit reached.

[403.1 403.3]

造成403.1 - 403.3的主要原因是由于handler需要的权限受到Handler Mapping中启用的权限的限制。

如何查看handler需要的权限?可以通过IIS Manager - Handler Mapping,根据请求的扩展名找到相应的Handler,比如我们请求.asp文件的时候报错403.3,找到处理.asp文件的handler为ASPClassic这个handler,双击打开这个handler的Script Map - Request Restrictions - Access,可以查看该handler需要的权限。在这里为了重现403.3问题,我将需要权限设置为write。

如何查看Handler Mapping启用的权限?可以通过IIS Manager - Configuration Editor打开system.webServer/handlers@accesspolicy配置节点如下,可以看到Write选项没有被选中,所以在访问asp页面的时候会出现403.3错误。另外在handler mapping中也可以看到相应的ASPClassic handler对应的状态为disabled。

403.1, 403.2的错误原因与403.3是一致的,即相应handler需要的的Script或者Read权限没有启用。

[403.4 403.5 403.7]

403.4, 403.5, 403.7均是由于SSL设置造成的,本身大多数时候并非服务器端错误,而是客户端的请求没有满足服务端的要求。例如




这些配置可以通过服务器端IIS Manager - SSL Setting中来配置,

但是对于ssl的128位数要求需要通过Configuration Editor来找到system.webServer/security/access@sslFlags来配置






1. 如果客户请求的问题,即浏览了不该浏览的目录,那服务器不需要任何更改

2. 如果浏览的目录期待的结果应该是一个默认网页,很有可能是default document没有配好或者不在目录下

3. 如果需要启用目录浏览,则到IIS Manager到指定的目录 - Directory Browsing - Enable

[403.6 403.8]
